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Every student would either bring his/her own laptop as per the specifications prescribed or shall be provided at cost, a new laptop. In either case, the minimum specifications of the laptop notebook would not be less than:

Intel Pentium Core2duo processor 2.1 with 2MB L3 cache, 800 MHz FSB, 14.1 TFT MM Monitor; 2 GB DDR3 RAM, 320GB SATA HDD,

In either case, the laptop will be submitted for loading of licensed operating and application software and virus protection. No pirated software would be allowed on the campus.

The state-of-the art computer network , a blend of optical fibre and Wi-Fi provides internet and other connectivity throughout the campus , in the classrooms, cafeteria, tutorial rooms, hallways, hostels, faculty housing and even in open spaces. A set of high-end servers support the network.

Linguistic skills are an essential component of employability. Students, therefore, spend a good amount of their time honing their communication and linguistic skills. A well-equipped language lab for improving English /Foreign language skills and corporate communication skills would be available to the students for guided lessons and own-time use for self-improvement.

The library at NAM is planned to be the liveliest place on the campus, providing friendly environment, where students would love to spend time in pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence. The procurement of academic resources in the library is guided by the Library Committee that includes students as its members. It houses a combination of carefully selected print and digital resources that include text and reference material, journals, magazines, periodicals, on-line resources, and highly respectable databases for research.

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